Thursday, April 10, 2003

Think Blair was helping the U.S. with Iraq because he's a good friend? Perhaps because he has sympathy for the Iraqi people? Think again. He just cannot turn down any oppurtunity to disarm people.

Captain Cliff Dare, of 3 Commando Brigade Engineer Group, said: "An amnesty is essential. Iraq has a culture of weapons. There are a lot of them around, most held quite legally. If we want to give the new Iraq a chance these weapons have to be taken out of circulation."

I wonder if he remembers when his grandfather was begging my grandfather for his hunting guns, his single shot pest rifles so he wouldn't have to face a German invasion of England with a shovel or maybe a spear if he was lucky? Yet he thinks that by disaming people he's doing them a favor.
The only favor he's doing is ensuring the safety of criminals &/or die-hard Hussein supporters who want to steal from or retaliate on the citizens of Iraq.
I cannot say that American troops would not do this if they were ordered, but I'd tremble for them if they do considering God is Just.

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