Monday, April 14, 2003

Virginia has a candidate worth voting for.

"[ Rep. L. Scott] Lingamfelter, a retired U.S. Army colonel and Desert Storm veteran, quoted C.S. Lewis to explain how common sense conservatism safeguards freedom.
'Those who would torment us for our own good will torment us our life long, because they do so with the permission of their own conscience,' Lingamfelter said, quoting the author of the 'Narnia' books for children.

If he is re-elected, Lingamfelter said, he will continue to fight for the rights of Virginians to keep and bear arms.
'My idea of gun control is this: I'll control mine. You control yours,' Lingamfelter said."

Lingamfelter is running for reelection in the Virginia House of Delegates.

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