Wednesday, February 05, 2003

A Dave Limbaugh article on the current trend towards suing gun makers for criminal misuse or negligence on the part of consumers, both legal & illegal.

"But the case was about much more than Mrs. Grunow's loss, as shown by the participation in the suit by the Brady Center to Prevent Handgun Violence, the nation's largest gun-control group. Mrs. Grunow's attorney, Bob Montgomery, made no secret of his agenda. Montgomery, who gained recognition by winning an $11.3 billion settlement against the tobacco industry, said, 'The purpose of this case was to bring to the public and the legislature that the Saturday night specials have no legitimate purpose whatsoever.' Montgomery's partner and co-counsel Rebecca Larson added, (Mrs. Grunow's) primary objective was to make a difference in the gun industry, and she's done that."

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